So many hours, so many days..
-in the event you don't get it.. switch to unicode, wait for the song-
Oh but this's a superb song in any case =)
One night my mum and dad were waiting for me to reply whether i wanted them to pick me up.. After a while of waiting they decided ah don't care him..let's go to the Esplanade for a stroll! Hahaha.. -guilty look- I'm going to check my phone constantly from now on. And here's what they took. (click on the pictures to see them larger they look fantastic)

Wahh.. Nice right. I want to go down and see one day!
Went down yesterday to Suntec's IT Fair with brady to look for a new monitor, cos mine's pretty much spoilt.. The screen's shrunk to the centre.. and although it is still useable, it's rather uncomfortable to look at it after a short while.. $419 for a 19'' LCD. Sounds very, very good! But when i consider that i have to go back defend the nation soon and would probably not have so much chance to use the computer.. Hmm.. i wonder whether it's worth it.
They say neccessity is the mother of invention. How about architecture as well.

And from the side...

Yes, the printer is, and has to be, on top as well. -_-"
I found out that applying some pressure on the top of the monitor helps.
Oh well.. At least the screen works for now. Hahaha!
Thought it felt a little empty.. But otherwise, pop was great!
Our bmt really ended with a pop(bang)!

-Dad, Me, Mum

-my section(or half), some of my closest friends in NS.. with the PC

-with the section commander.

- ah miss pang, the one in the mid's zicheng =D

- more friends

- thought it looked nice. Sky very blue.

- Ninja.

- in the bunk
Haha.. Have got lots more.. but there're too many to put up here.
Wahh.. this is a dunno-how-many-thousand word post lah(need i still say why? =P)
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