Tuesday, January 31, 2006


I used to dislike stoning at home. Now i love every moment in it.

I used to think my friends would always be around. Now i now how precious they are to me.

I used to listen to music. Now i appreciate music.

I used to think of nothing of the things around me. Now i feel them.

I used to be bored. Now i'm clinging on to time.

I used to take it that everything was there for me and wouldn't change. Now i know better.

I used not to bother. Now i care.


=) =) =) =) =)

Hahaha.. Home rocks. Seriously, seriously rocks ^^ I have never, never felt so attached to home.

Ripped open Nan Quan MaMa's first album and listened to it for the first time.. It is freaking nice. The OH MY GOD type. And from what i know about their 2nd album which i've already heard.. It's sooo not-surprising they're so hot.

And how very apt that my favourite song in that album is Track 10 - Jia (Home). I think it's one of if not the best song in the album.

Hahaha i think i'm obsessed with the notion of Home. It's the one thing you can think of to motivate yourself throughout the week in NS. To be frank, NS isn't very bad. The training's tough, but managable. Like when we hear our commander shout FORTY COUNTS OF FOUR and behind us, coming from another company sharing the same basketball court on which we do our 5BX, we hear a matter-of-factly "Five Counts of Four".


Siiiaaaann diao.

Hahaha but then you know that the 40 other Ninjas are all in it together with you, and that when the day is over you'll be talking kok with your section in your bunk and cracking jokes and complaining together and imitate certain funny characters and having a good laugh out of it all, it doesn't feel so bad doing his FORTY COUNTS OF FOUR.

After all, we stand to gain. And like my famous commando OC infamously said, "Morale is inversely proportional to pride. When you're knocking it down on the ground, your morale is low. But when you walk outside, you can do it with pride!"


Back to the point, it's not the training that kills - it's the being away. Away from family, away from friends, away from HOME. Which is why home's such a great source of motivation - you don't know how sorely you can miss it until you've been in NS. And thinking of it really helps.. It can lift your spirits! Which is why everytime we book in, the only thought in our minds is - BOOK OUT DAY.


Anyway yes.. Nan Quan Mama's Jia.

If you haven't realised, they have same success formula as Jay Chou!

1. They write their own songs.

2. Their songs are very very nice.

3. Their tunes have a bit Jay Chou influence in them.. Hahaha which is good ain't it =)

4. Their lyrics are written by Vincent Fong.

5 and so on : read the post below.


曲:盖瑞 (one of the members)
词:方文山 (omg)

相片内底那个纯情ㄟ世界 你骑着车加阮载
你答应过马代阮去ㄟ所在 到最后你拢没来
相片的纸 亲像 刀那么利
阮ㄟ悲哀 现在才知

照片里一整个消失的年代 很想知道个大概
关于空气的味道我还在猜 很像樱花都还在

墙角青苔 总是绿的太快
回忆慢慢 慢慢爬进来

煮一杯 热咖啡 喝一些 固执的以为
我们一直到最后才学会 哭泣时候谁安慰

啊咿啊 转眼之间已经长大
啊咿啊 梦与现实的落差
啊咿啊 我们还有什么剩下
回家吧 声音沙哑 只是想找人说说话
所以阿 别让牵挂 变成一种孤单害怕

我们一直到最后才学会 哭泣时候谁安慰
而成长让人觉得累 却已没有办法后退

啊咿啊 转眼之间已经长大
啊咿啊 开始跟理想摩擦
啊咿啊 我们好笑的在挣扎
雨在下 家乡竹篱芭 南下的风轻轻刮
告别了繁华 将行李卸下 我们回家

墙壁上的老挂钟 是过去某个时空 我说你就懂
已经消失的生活 是不可能再从头 我说你难过
客厅里的裁缝机 是否再发出声音 我说你伤心
回到儿时的街道 是不安夹杂心跳 我说你微笑

Aren't the lyrics beautiful..

On top of that, they rhyme. They ACTUALLY RHYME.

-stares at the lyrics for the umpteenth time in amazement-

Vincent Fong is.. Unparalleled. That's the only word i can think of.

And it's about Home sweet home ^^

-right click, encoding, unicode if you can't see the lyrics-

(oh by the way, the previous song title was : Home. By Michael Bublé.)

Hahaha. HOME!

"Snow White bought a new camera. She happily took pictures of the dwarfs and the forest, then dropped off her first roll of film to be developed. A few days letter she went back to pick up the photos.
'I'm sorry,' the clerk told her. 'They aren't finished yet.'
Disappointed, Snow White started to cry. 'Don't worry,' said the clerk.
'Someday your prints will come.'"

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