As i sat down for my breakfast/lunch i exchanged a couple of smses with brady and alroy.
with Brady:
Brady: blah blah blah...
Me: blah blah blah.. Eh, wanna go to the beach?
Brady: ...TO DO WAD???
Me: Hahaha.. Beachy stuff lahz, swim, slack, relax. OH can play sand somemore =)
Brady: Anything.. blah blah blah... Bring guitar...
with Alroy:
I can't remember. Something to do with colouring our hair. Lolz.
And so, we left for the beach. Took the usual train to harbourfront and bus to siloso beach, where we sat on the sand and played guitar.. We played stuff like Jay Chou's 黑色毛衣 (Black Overcoat), which the pro shit brady figured out on the spot by just listening to the mp3, and 浪漫手机 (the name of my T630 =D) (also figured out by brady). Then we got bored.. and brady suggested we challenge the 2 kids in the beach soccer court next to us to a 2v2 and i said OK so we went and played with them.. Signs of our Victory (duh) were eminent when those 2 started squabbling even before the game started, hahaha.. Half way through the game a foreigner and his hunky friend joined to make it 3v3... We got the full-pint-beer-bellied foreigner while they got the hunky friend, but still.. They weren't a match. Heeeee. ^^
Next we went down to orchard to watch Zathura. It's like another Jumanji, but this time it incorporates yes, Family Values.. It's about a typical big brother lording over his younger (CUTE) brother but the little one never minding it, still always approaching his older brother to play, how they stumbled upon the game, how they saw themselves (literally), how their little relationship was shaped throughout the course of the game.. Heartwarming really; the older brother turned out to be much nicer than we all thought.. Cute even. However, his cuteness CANNOT beat Jonah Bobo. Who's Jonah Bobo? He's the (CUTE) little brother in Zathura.. And omg omg omg... HE IS DAMN CUTE LAAAAAAA... He exudes all the small-boy charm you could ever imagine.. The innocence, the bright, sparky, chubby look, the way he walks, talks, yells '' I KILLED LISA!!!'' AWWwwwww... Man, HE IS SOOO CUTE. Seriously. Go watch Zathura. Story's not bad, can bring you lots of laughs, and FULL marks for the cute factor.
Everyone watched Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire yet? I watched it twice.. And around me (mine included) reactions were the same- too rushed, jumpy sequences, Hogwarts not as nice as before, generally something missing- the magic you feel from reading the book, it just isn't there, is it? Thus, i (and brady concurs) have come up with a few pointers on how to improve the movie. Sigh. That directing fellow really should have consulted me first, ya?
Number 1: Capture every scene, you cheapskates.. When they showed the Weasleys and Potter and Granger in the little tent-house after the Quidditch match was supposed to have ended - i didn't even know the match WAS supposed to have ended. -.- After all the glam opening in the beginning of the match, it's suddenly over without a trace. Also, know the part where Harry Potter was preparing for the first task - the dragons? In the book Hermione had to actually teach and practice with Harry how to accio, Firebolt! right? It's a minor detail, but one of the cosy, friendship-building, homely(they swung cushions about in the room in the castle) parts in the book which actually lets us feel for the book the way we do... Instead all we see is a Mad, One-eyed, Moody (pun intended) fellow sneering ''You are allowed a WAND HARRY''. And that's why the movie isn't satisfying. They wanted to keep to the conventional less-than-3hr time limit, and in doing so missed out on the many parts which make the story whole. And nice. And complete. So the movie becomes like, summary? This is Riddikulus! Why not make a 10-hour movie capturing every single detail? People will love you for that ^^.
Number 2: Give Dumbledore a makeover. Isn't he portrayed in the book as a nice, wise, fatherly old gentleman? In the show he displayed signs of aggressiveness, like grabbing Harry and shaking him and saying "DID YOU OR DID YOU NOT PUT YOUR NAME INTO THE GOBLET OF FIRE HARRY". As far as i recall, he hasn't been so beligerent in the book. I've always had the impression that he never showed an angry face, never lost his temper.. Isn't it a bit wierd to suddenly give him such characteristics. Also, he somehow doesn't strike me as the powerful, impressive, authoritative figure in the magic world he's supposed to be, as much as in the book.. Suggested improvements: Make Professor Dumbledore more powerful.. Let us see more of him, his leadership, his authority, his kindness. Oh, and remove his aggressiveness. It ain't good for his image.
Number 3: Give Emma Watson more screen time. ^^ We all watch Harry Potter not only for the story, we want to see how the characters evolve over time too! Especially now that the actors are older, it's more interesting to see how they adapt and pull off roles of different age differences, correct not? Harry Potter - we see him like ALL the time. Ron Weasley - never mind. But Hermione... Really not enough, lahz. No focus on her except during the ball and in the champion's tent before the dragon fight loh!! How can.. After all, giving eye candy a bit more screen time wouldn't hurt! =) Hahahahaa.. And right, by doing so and showing support to promising up-and-coming new actresses(and actors of cos), they'll make more movies, and make more money. Got more money, cinema ticket prices can go down. DVD prices can go down also. Then go down until cheaper than pirated DVD and VCDs, then no one will buy pirated stuff anymore -- see, fighting piracy!!
Number 4: Change the actress of Cho Chang. Hebe should act as Cho Chang! The present one looks not bad in the movie.. But my Candidate should be much, much better! =D After all, both got black hair, both got chinese look, just that one more chio. Had Hebe been casted right, she would be called Chio Chang already, not Cho Chang. Then not only Harry Potter would want to go to the ball with her.. Viktor Krum, Cedric, Ron Weasley, even the band conductor also will call her go lahz. Hahahahaha!
With these 4 improvements... Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire will capsize Titanic i tell you. Assuming it still is the no.1 movie.
Ok.. i know you're itching to click on the little red box on the top right corner of your screen already. -) Brady refused to carry on talking to me after i brought up points 3 and 4, hahahaaha.
But eh, i DO have a point right? XD
"What does an air con and a computer have in common?
When you open windows, they both don't work."
-Actual date of post - 03-12-2005. Just felt i should complete the post. Haha.
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